Family Paste, A New Book of Cookery, p. 304
Mix and sift two cups pastry flour with one and one-half teaspoons of salt and work on two-thirds cup lard, using the tips of the fingers. Moisten with one-half cup cold water and toss two-thirds of the mixture on a slightly floured board. Pat and roll in rectangular shape, spread with one tablespoon lard and dredge with flour. Cut in thirds, lengthwise; pile strips on top of another. Fold in halves and then in quarters. Again pat and roll out, spread, dredge and fold as before. Cut in halves, turn over, having cut edges come on top. Pat and roll each piece to fit top of pie, and pat and roll reserved third for two undercrusts.

Fig Custard, A New Book of Cookery, p. 266
January 16
1 quart milk                                      1/2 pound figs
2 tablespoons cornstarch              1/4 cup boiling water
3/4 cup sugar                                   1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt                              1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
Yolks 3 eggs                                      Whites 3 eggs
                          3 tablespoons powdered sugar
Scald milk. Mix cornstarch, sugar, and salt. Pour on gradually scalded milk and cook in double boiler ten minutes. Add egg yolks, slightly beaten, and cook three minutes..
Cut figs in small pieces, put in double boiled, add water, sugar, and two-thirds lemon juice and cook until figs are soft. Combine mixtures and cool; then turn into serving dish. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and add powdered sugar gradually, while beating constantly; then add remaining lemon juice. Pile by spoonfuls over pudding, just as sending to tale. This meringue, to be at its best, cannot stand long.

Fig Pudding, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 403
January 26, March 9, October 5, October 12, December 31
Fig Pudding I
3 oz. beef suet                                1/2 cup milk
1/2 lb. figs, finely chopped              2 eggs
2 1/3 cups stale bread crumbs       1 cup sugar
                                 3/4 teaspoon salt 
Chop suet, and work with the hands until creamy, then add figs. Soak bread crumbs in milk, add eggs well beaten, sugar, and salt. Combine mixtures, turn into a buttered mould, steam three hours. Serve with Yellow Sauce I or II.

Fig Pudding II
1/4 lb. suet                                             1/4 lb. brown sugar
1/2 lb. figs (finely chopped)                 1/4 lb. bread crumbs
1 large sour apple (cored,                     1/4 cup milk
pared, and chopped)                              2 eggs
                                            3 oz. flour
Cream the suet, and add figs, apple, and sugar. Pour milk over bread crumbs, and add yolks of eggs, well beaten; combine mixtures, add flour and whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into buttered pudding mould, and steam four hours. Serve with Lemon Sauce III.

*Fillets of Halibut, Haddon, February 20
Wipe two three-fourths-pound slices halibut and cut into eight fillets. Roll each and fasten with wooden skewer. Arrange six thin slices fat salt pork in pan, cover with one sliced onion and one-half bay leaf, broken in pieces, and place fillets over all. work three tablespoons butter until creamy, and add three tablespoons flour. Mask fillets with mixture, sprinkle with three-fourth cup buttered cracker crumbs, and bake in hot oven.

*Finnan Haddie, Caledonian Style, April 1
May 22
Cut a four-pound finnan haddie in halves lengthwise. Put one-half in pan and surround with milk and water, using equal proportions. Place on back of range and let stand twenty minutes. Trim fish to fit copper platter by cutting off flank and a piece from tail end. Pour over one and one-half cups white sauce and surround with six halves of potatoes, washed and smoothly pared. Bake until potatoes are soft (about forty minutes), basting with the sauce five times during the cooking.

*Fish Balls, September 30
December 18
Wash salt codfish, and pick in very small pieces; there should be one cup. Wash, pare, and cut potatoes in uniform size pieces; there should be two heaping cups. Cook fish and potatoes in boiling water until potatoes are soft. Drain, return to kettle, mash thoroughly, add one-half tablespoon butter, one egg well beaten, and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Take up by spoonfuls, and fry one minute, allowing six fish balls for each frying.

Fish Chowder, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 142
February 6, April 22, September 16 
4 lb. cod or haddock                           1 1/2-inch cube fat salt pork
6 cups potatoes cut in 1/4-inch         1 tablespoon salt
slices, or                                                 1/8 teaspoon pepper
4 cups potatoes cut in                          3 tablespoons butter
3/4-inch cubes                                       4 cups scalded milk
1 sliced onion                                          8 common crackers
Order the fish skinned, but head and tail left on. Cut off head and tail and remove fish from backbone. Cut fish in two-inch pieces and set aside. Put head, tail, and backbone broken in pieces, in stewpan; add two cups cold water and bring slowly to boiling-point; cook twenty minutes. Cut salt pork in small pieces and try out, add onion, and fry five minutes; strain fat into stewpan. Parboil potatoes five minutes in boiling water to cover; drain and add potatoes to fat; then add two cups boiling water and cook five minutes. Add liquor drained from bones, then add the fish; cover, and simmer ten minutes. Add milk, salt, pepper, butter, and crackers split and soaked in enough cold milk to moisten, otherwise they will be soft on the outside, but dry on the inside. Pilot bread is sometimes used in place of common crackers.

*Fish Croquettes, May 20
Cook one-half tablespoon shallot and two tablespoons red pepper, each finely chopped, with three tablespoons butter five minutes. Add one-third cup flour mixed with three-fourths teaspoon salt and one-fourth teaspoon paprika and stir until well blended; then pour on one-half cup milk and one-half cup cream. bring to boiling point, add one and three-fourths cups flaked cooked haddock, and spread on a plate to cool. Shape, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, and fry in deep fat.

*Florentine Eggs, March 19
Watch video
Spread one-half peck boiled spinach on a buttered shallow baking dish and make seven depressions. Sprinkle each depression with one tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese, then slip in an egg. Over each put one tablespoon Béchamel sauce and one-half tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese. Place in a moderate oven and bake until eggs are set and glazed. Béchamel sauce is made of half chicken stock and half milk.

Florodora Sauce, A New Book of Cookery, p. 262
February 9, December 14
White 1 egg                                   3/4 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup powdered sugar             2 Tablespoons Madeira wine
Yolk 1 egg                                      Few grains salt
Beat egg white until stiff and add, gradually, while beating constantly, sugar; then add egg yolk, beaten until thick and lemon-colored, cream beaten until stiff, wine and salt.

Foamy Sauce, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 408
March 23, April 27, July 16, August 5, September 5, September 11, September 12, October 16, October 20, December 17
Foamy Sauce I
1/2 cup butter                  1 egg
1 cup powdered sugar   2 tablespoons wine
Cream the butter, add gradually sugar, egg well beaten, and wine; beat while heating over hot water.

Foamy Sauce II
Whites 2 eggs                1/4 cup hot milk
1 cup powdered sugar   1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat eggs until stiff, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; add milk and vanilla.

Franconia Potatoes, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 312
February 1, February 15, March 8, March 24, May 17, June 28, August 30, September 20, October 11, November 1, December 13
Prepare as for Boiled Potatoes, and parboil ten minutes; drain, and place in pan in which meat is roasting; bake until soft, basting with fat in pan when basting meat. Time required for baking about forty minutes. Sweet potatoes may be prepared in the same way.

*Frangipan Cream Pie, February 19
Watch video
Cut three circular pieces paste nine inches in diameter, place on tin sheet, prick with fork and bake, put together with Frangipan cream. Mix two-third cup powdered sugar and one-third cup flour, add yolks of three eggs and one whole egg, slightly beaten, one-fourth teaspoon salt and one cup scalded milk and cook over hot water fifteen minutes. Add two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons macaroons (dried and rolled), two-thirds teaspoon vanilla and one-third teaspoon lemon extract.

French Cream Cakes, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 519
June 13
Fill Cream Cakes with Cream Sauce I.

*French Cream Puffs, Hot Chocolate Sauce, May 14
Put one-fourth cup butter and one-half cup boiling water in saucepan, bring to boiling point. Add one-half cup flour (all at once) and stir vigorously. remove from fire and add two unbeaten eggs, one at a time. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered sheet, shaping with handle of spoon as nearly circular as possible. Bake thirty minutes in moderate oven. Cook, split, fill with whipped cream and serve with hot chocolate sauce.

French Dressing, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 323
March 14, March 28, July 4, August 31, November 17
1/2 teaspoon salt              2 tablespoons vinegar
1/4 teaspoon pepper        4 tablespoons olive oil
Mix ingredients and stir until well blended. Some prefer the addition of a few drops onion juice. French dressing is more easily prepared and largely used than any other dressing.

*French Fried Potatoes, February 25
January 12, February 4, March 5, March 12, March 19, June 15, July 10, August 17, September 7, September 11, October 9, November 5, December 2, December 17, December 30
Wash and pare small potatoes, cut in eighths lengthwise, and soak one hour in cold water. Drain and parboil in boiling salted water two minutes; again drain, plunge into cold water, dry between towels, fry in deep fat until delicately browned, a few at a time, and drain. Heat fat to higher temperature, return all potatoes to fat, using a frying basket, and fry until crisp and brown, keeping the basket in motion. Again drain and sprinkle with salt.

French Fruit Pudding, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 403
February 17
1 cup finely chopped suet             1/2 teaspoon clove
1 cup molasses                               1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sour milk                               1 1/4 cups raisins, seeded
1 1/2 teaspoons soda                             and chopped
1 teaspoon cinnamon                     3/4 cup currants
                                   2 3/4 cups flour
                                                         Mrs. Carrie M. Dearborn
Add molasses and sour milk to suet; add two cups flour mixed and sifted with soda, salt, and spices; add fruit mixed with remaining flour. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam four hours. Serve with Sterling Sauce.

French Fruit Salad, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 339
April 19
2 oranges                                 12 English walnut meats
3 bananas                                 1 head lettuce
1/2 lb. Malaga grapes              French Dressing
Peel oranges, and remove pulp separately from each section. Peel bananas, and cut in one-fourth inch slices. Remove skins and seeds from grapes. Break walnut meats in pieces. Mix prepared ingredients and arrange on lettuce leaves. Serve with French Dressing.

French Hollandaise Sauce, What to Have for Dinner, p. 164
1/2 cup butter                         1/2 teaspoon salt
Yolks 4 eggs                           Few grains cayenne
1/2 cup boiling water              1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
Work butter until creamy and add egg yolks one at a time, lemon juice, salt and cayenne. Put in small sauce pan and place in larger sauce pan of hot water. Stir constantly until mixture thickens. Add water and beat until of a smooth consistency.

*French Macaroon Cream, September 6
Soak one tablespoon granulated gelatine in three tablespoons cold water. Scald two cups milk with one square chocolate and add yolks three eggs beaten and mixed with one-half cup sugar. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and add whites three eggs beaten stiff, two-thirds cup macaroons rolled, ad one teaspoon vanilla. Turn into individual moulds and chill. Serve with whipped cream.

French Peas, What to Have for Dinner, p. 181
Drain one can French peas from their liquor and rinse with cold water. Put in a sauce pan with four tablespoons butter and cook ten minutes. Season with salt and paprika.

French Rolls, What to Have for Dinner, p. 18
1 cup milk                                           2 tablespoons sugar
1 yeast cake, dissolved in                   1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup lukewarm water                     1 egg
Flour                                                    Yolk 1 egg
Scald milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and one and one-half cups of flour; beat well, cover and let rise until light. Add sugar, salt, eggs well beaten, butter and enough more flour to knead; knead, let rise again, shape in small biscuits, place in rows on a board and cover with a cloth and pan. Let rise until light, then roll on a board (where there is no flour) using .the hands until six inches in length. Place rolls one and one-half inches apart on a buttered sheet and bake twelve to fifteen minutes in a hot oven, reducing the heat after the first five minutes.

French String Beans, What to Have for Dinner, p. 67
March 24, May 3, December 6
Remove beans from can, put in a strainer, and pour over two quarts cold water. Drain and let stand, exposed to the air, one-half hour. Heat very hot, and season with butter and salt.

French Tomato Soup, A New Book of Cookery, p. 66
January 19
1 quart brown stock                 6 peppercorns
1 can tomatoes                         1 teaspoon salt
1 onion, sliced                           1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic                           1/4 teaspoon soda
4 sprigs parsley                        1/2 tablespoon sugar
2 sprigs thyme                          2 tablespoons butter
Bit of bay leaf                           2 tablespoons cornstarch
                             1 1/2 cups cream
Bring stock and tomatoes, mixed with vegetables, salt, and pepper, to the boiling point and let boil thirty minutes. Rub through a sieve, return to range, and add soda and sugar. Melt butter, add cornstarch and when well blended, pour on hot soup. Bring to the boiling point, and just before serving add cream. Serve with croûtons.

Fried Chicken, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 249
April 8
Fried chicken is prepared and cooked same as Chicken Fricassee, with Brown Sauce, chicken always being used, never fowl.

Fried Chicken (Southern Style), The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 249
June 14, September 15
Clean, singe, and cut in pieces for serving, two young chickens. Plunge in cold water, drain but do not wipe. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and coat thickly with flour, having as much flour adhere to chicken as possible. Try out one pound fat salt pork cut in pieces, and cook chicken slowly in fat until tender and well browned. Serve with White Sauce made of half milk and half cream.

Fried Cod Steaks, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 173
February 27, December 4
Clean steaks, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dip in granulated corn meal. Try out slices of fat salt pork in frying-pan, remove scraps, and sauté steaks in fat.

Fried Fillets of Halibut or Flounder, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 173
March 13, September 25, October 23
Clean fish and cut in long or short fillets. If cut in long fillets, roll, and fasten with small wooden skewers. Sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with Sauce Tartare.

Fried Potato Balls, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 315
April 24, October 14
To one cup hot riced potatoes add one tablespoon butter, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon celery salt, and few grains cayenne. Cool slightly, and add one-half beaten egg and one-half teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Shape in small balls, roll in flour, fry in deep fat, and drain.

*Fried Salt Pork, Country Style, February 3
Watch video
Cut salt pork in thin slices and slice crosswise; gash each rind edge four times. Dip in corn-meal and flour, using two parts corn-meal to one part flour. Put in hot frying pan, cook until crisp and browned. Remove from pan and strain fat. Put one and one-half tablespoons fat in saucepan, and add two and one-half tablespoons flour, one cup milk, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, one tablespoon butter, and one and one-half cupfuls hot boiled potato cubes.

Fried Scallops, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 186
January 31, March 20, October 7
Clean one quart scallops, turn into a saucepan, and cook until they begin to shrivel; drain, and dry between towels. Season with salt and pepper, roll in fine crumbs, dip in egg, again in crumbs, and fry two minutes in deep fat; then drain on brown paper.

Fried Smelts, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 173
March 11
Clean smelts, leaving on heads and tails. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, and fry three to four minutes in deep fat. As soon as smelts are put into fat, remove fat to back of range so that they may not become too brown before cooked through. Arrange on hot platter, garnish with parsley, lemon, and fried gelatine. Serve with Sauce Tartare.
Smelts are fried without being skewered, but often are skewered in variety of shapes.
To fry gelatine. Take up a handful and drop in hot, deep fat; it will immediately swell and become white; it should at once be removed with a skimmer, then drained.
Phosphated or granulated gelatine cannot be used for frying.

*Fried Spanish Onions, May 12
Remove skins from four Spanish onions. Cut in thin slices and put in a hot omelet pan with one and one-half tablespoons butter. Cook until brown, occasionally shaking pan that onions may not burn, or turn onions, using a fork. Sprinkle with salt one minute before taking from fire.

*Fried Summer Squash, July 8
Wash squash, and cut in one-half-inch slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain.

Frozen Chocolate with Whipped Cream, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 437
June 11, August 14
2 squares Baker’s chocolate                     Few grains salt
1 cup sugar                                                 1 cup boiling water
                                      3 cups rich milk
Scald milk. Melt chocolate in small saucepan placed over hot water, add one-half the sugar, salt, and gradually boiling water. Boil one minute, add to scalded milk with remaining sugar. Cool, freeze, and serve in glasses. Garnish with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla.

*Frozen Cranberries, November 29
Pick over and wash four cups cranberries, add two and one-fourth cups sugar and one and one-half cups boiling water, and cook ten minutes, skimming during the cooking. Rub through a sieve, cool, and pour into one-pound baking-powder boxes. Pack in salt and ice, using equal parts, and let stand four hours. If there is not sufficient mixture to fill two boxes, add water to make up the desired quantity. 

*Frozen Egg Nog, June 28
April 12
Beat yolks two eggs until thick and add gradually, while beating constantly, four tablespoons sugar, one-eighth teaspoon salt, three and one-half tablespoons brandy and one cup rich milk. Beat whites two eggs until stiff, add to first mixture, then freeze. Serve in egg shells set in cups made from lemon peel.

*Frozen Pudding, February 23
Cut one cup candied fruit (cherries, pineapples, pears, and apricots) in pieces, and soak several hours in brandy to cover, which prevents fruit freezing; make custard of two and one-half cups milk, one cup sugar, one-eighth teaspoon salt and two eggs. Strain, cool, add one cup heavy cream, and one-fourth cup rum, then freeze. Fill a brick mould with alternate layers of the cream and fruit; pack in salt and ice and let stand two hours.

*Frozen Tomato Salad, December 31
Watch video
Open one quart can tomatoes, turn from can, and let stand one hour that they may be re-oxygenated. Add three tablespoons sugar, and season highly with salt and cayenne; then rub through a sieve. Turn into one-half pound baking-powder boxes, cover tightly, pack in salt and ice, using equal parts, and let stand three hours. Remove from mould, arrange on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with chopped walnut meats, and serve with mayonnaise dressing.

Fruit and Nut Filling, A New Book of Cookery, p. 341
3 cups sugar        1 cup raisins seeded and chopped
1 cup water          1 cup chopped pecan nut meats,
Whites 3 eggs      5 figs, cut in thin strips.
Put sugar and water in a smooth graniteware saucepan, bring to the boiling point and let boil until syrup will spin a thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour gradually, while beating constantly, on whites of eggs, beaten until stiff, and continue the beating until mixture is of right consistency to spread; then add remaining ingredients. One-half this quantity may be made and used between layers only.

*Fruit and Nut Salad, February 27
November 17
Remove skins and seeds from one-half pound Malaga grapes. Add an equal measure of English walnut meats, broken in pieces. Marinate with a French dressing, and arrange in nests of lettuce leaves. garnish with candied cherries cut in halves.

Fruit Cocktail, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 569
May 11, May 24, December 29
Remove pulp from grape fruit, and mix with shredded pineapple, bananas cut in slices and slices cut in quarters, and strawberries cut in halves, using half as much pineapple and banana as grape fruit, and allowing four strawberries to each serve. There should be two cups fruit. Pour over a dressing made of one-third cup Sherry wine, three tablespoons apricot brandy, one-half cup sugar, and a few grains salt. Chill thoroughly, serve in double cocktail glasses, and garnish with candied cherries and leaves.

*Fruit Cream, March 31
Soak one tablespoon gelatine in one-fourth cup cold water, dissolve in one-fourth cup scalded milk, and add one-half cup sugar. Strain in pan, set in pan of ice-water, stir constantly, and when mixture begins to thicken add whites two eggs and one-half pint cream, each beaten until stiff, one-third cup stewed prunes, cut in pieces, three figs finely chopped, and two tablespoons blanched and chopped almonds. Mould and chill.

*Fruit Punch, July 4
July 13
Pour one cup hot tea infusion over one cup sugar, and as soon as sugar is dissolved add three-fourths cup orange juice and three-fourths cup lemon juice.. Strain into punch-bowl over a large piece of ice, and just before serving add one pint bottle ginger ale, one pint Litha water, and a few thin slices orange (from which seed have been removed) and one dozen maraschino cherries.

*Fruit Salad, March 7
Cut one grape fruit and two oranges in sections and free from seed and membrane. Skin and seed white grapes; there should be three-fourths cup. Cut pecan nut meat in pieces; there should be one-third cup. Mix ingredients, arrange on bed of lettuce, and pour over dressing. For the dressing mix four tablespoons olive oil, one tablespoon grapefruit juice, one-half tablespoon vinegar, one teaspoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon paprika, few grains pepper, and one tablespoon Roquefort cheese.

*Fruit Salad, July 11
January 10
Arrange alternate layers of shredded pineapple, sliced bananas, and sliced oranges, sprinkling each layer with powdered sugar. To shred pineapple, pare, cut out eyes, pick off small pieces with a silver fork, continuing until all soft part is removed. To slice oranges, remove skin and white covering, slice lengthwise that the tough centre may not be served. Remove all seeds.

*Fruit Salad, French Dressing, January 14
Peel two oranges, and remove pulp separately from each section. Peel three bananas, scrape and cut in one-fourth inch slices. Remove skins and seeds from grapes. Break twelve English walnut meats in pieces. Mix prepared ingredients and arrange on lettuce leaves and marinate with French dressing.

Fruit Shortcake, The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook, p. 84
July 24, August 8, August 29
1/4 cup butter                             1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar                               1 cup flour
1 egg                                              2 teaspoons baking powder
                           1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, and salt, adding alternately with milk to first mixture. Beat thoroughly, and bake in a buttered round tin. Cool, spread thickly with sweetened fruit, and cover with Cream Sauce I or II. Fresh strawberries, peaches, apricots, raspberries, or canned quince or pineapple may be used. When canned goods are used, drain fruit from syrup and cut in pieces. Dilute cream for Cream Sauce with fruit syrup in place of milk.
Any shortcake mixture may be made for individual service by shaping with a large biscuit-cutter; or mixture may be baked in a shallow cake pan, centre removed and filled with fruit, and pieces baked separately to introduce to represent handles.

*Fruit Tapioca, November 30
Soak one-half cup pearl tapioca in two and one-half cups cold water over night. Cook in same water in double boiler with one-half teaspoon salt and one inch stick cinnamon until transparent. Add one tumbler currant jelly, one-fourth cup sherry wine, and one-fourth cup each almonds (blanched and shredded), seeded raisins (cut in pieces) and citron (cut in thin slices). Sweeten to taste, cool slightly, and serve with thin cream.