July 31


Steamed Halibut, *Shrimp Sauce
Riced Potatoes
Green Corn
Hindu Salad
Graham Sandwiches
Sliced Peaches with Cream
Election Cake

In 1914 July 31 was a Friday. Which is why there is fish on the menu.

There’s not a lot of internal consistency between the cards and the cookbooks or even within the books. In the 1912 edition of The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, published one year before these cards were released, today’s salad is spelled “Hindoo”.  Why it would be named that is an additional mystery. Also, the Election Cake is to be served with Boiled Milk Frosting. There is no such recipe in the cookbook. There is, however,  a Milk Frosting, which is prepared by boiling.

Steaming does not appear as an option in Ways of Cooking Fish (The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, p.160), however the recipe for Steamed Halibut, Silesian Sauce tells us: Steam by cooking over boiling water a piece of halibut weighing two pounds.

Graham Sandwiches are presumably sandwiches on Graham bread (a whole wheat bread), but I can’t find a recipe to tell me what the filing is.

Election Cake is a very old style of cake, as it’s yeast-raised and full of dried fruit. I’ve seen English recipes like this in 16th century cookbooks. In America, this cake goes back to the 18th century, with the first published recipe by  Amelia Simmons. Elections were an occasion to be celebrated in the United States and these cakes were baked in huge sizes. Fannie’s version seems more modest.

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 30

*Iced Fruit Juice
Susette Potatoes
Mushrooms à la Sabine
Stuffed Tomato Salad
Wheat Crispies
Charlotte Russe

In 1914 July 30 was a Thursday. A meatless meal today.

The Iced Fruit Juice is less of a recipe and more of presentation directions.

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 29


*Bisque of Lobster
Braised Calf’s Liver, Brown Sauce
Potatoes au Gratin
Shell Beans
Cucumber Salad
Cream Puffs
Café Noir

In 1914 July 29 was a Wednesday. We had lobster yesterday as well. Must be summer!

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 28


*Broiled Live Lobster
Toasted Corn Cakes
Lamb Chops
Potatoes à la Maitre d’Hotel
Summer Squash
Peach Cottage Pudding, Cream Sauce

In 1914 July 28 was a Tuesday.

There are several recipes for lamb chops, corn cakes, and summer squash. It’s hard to tell which ones we’re intended to use.

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 27


Cold Sliced Chicken
Currant Jelly
Scrub Potatoes
Swiss Chard
*Moquin Salad
Coffee Jelly with Whipped Cream

In 1914 July 27 was a Monday. We’re having leftover chicken from Sunday dinner.

Moquin Salad is probably named for restauranteur Henri Mouquin.

 M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 26


Danish Canapés
Roast Stuffed Chicken, Brown Gravy
Potato Forms
String Beans
Dressed Lettuce
Cheese Fingers
*Raspberry and Currant Ice
Cup Cakes
Café Noir

In 1914 July 26 was a Sunday.

Potato Forms might be another name for Potato Moulds.

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!

July 23


*Veal and Sago Soup
O’Brion Potatoes
Shell Beans
Corn on the Cob
Berry Pie
Café Noir

In 1914 July 23 was a Thursday.

These days “sago” is often a synonym for tapioca, but they come from different plants. Fannie is very specific: Tapioca is starch obtained from tuberous roots of the bitter cassava, native of South America. Sago is starch obtained from sago palms, native of India. (The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, p. 6)

The Berry Pie might be blueberry or blackberry.

M2This project is supported by my Patrons on Patreon and donations from other enthusiasts of historic cookery. With your help I can acquire the unusual ingredients and equipment and do the research needed to continue my culinary adventures. Thank you so much!